For one of my BTB members to qualify for my BTB Honors award the member needs the following prerequisites:
• Top ten national player
• Uses one coach
• Needs to have passion
• Specializing in squash is not a requirement but does help when is up against other candidates
• Needs to be a leader
• Sets an example to others
Past recipients of the BTB Honors Award
1999: Tony Hjiphilippou (Most improved player)
2000: Richard Dodd (No 1 SA U/11)
2001: Reon Bester (No 5 SA U/14)
2002: Tennille Swartz (No 1 S.A. u19)
2003: Pano Hjiphilippou (Finalist In The Mini Olympics)
2004: Mary-Ann Boden (No 1 S.A. u19 and 16th S.A. ladies)
2005: George Hjiphilippou
2006 : Jason Cole-Niven (No1 S.A. u19)
2007: Dean Russell and Mignionette de Bruin
2008: Ceanne Cole- Niven
2009: Samantha Kleynhans
2010: Michael Camden-Smith