We would like to welcome you to our world of coaching. Your decision to investigate our website indicates that you are willing to do whatever it takes to achieve your goals. Before you continue, I suggest that you view my “Nicks in Squash“ demo to get a better insight of what you need do to achieve your squash goals.
“Squash is a contest where the physical battle is an important part of the sport but not an overwhelming one”
This invitation to tour our website is just a first step as we begin to cover information we hope will help you make your choices of whether you wish to play social squash, provincial squash or become a professional. You may have questions and this small tour is not designed to answer them all but to encourage you to interact with me where we can discuss the details in depth.
I invite you to take a moment to get to know a little more about BTB. Just click on the “The Coach” button and we will provide some additional information about my background, my goals, and my personal reason for pursuing this particular venture.
I am seeking to associate with people of quality and ambition… people who are open to good work ethics and are excited, thrilled and energised by the possibilities of success.
Training Opportunity
This brief presentation will give you some information about how my training works and what results you can expect, should you choose to take the next step.
What others say
Here you will find a brief review of some frequently asked questions, as well as personal profiles and comments from several successful BTB members.